Pathway to the Well - Traditional Music Access Programme
About the Programme
Since its foundation, the Irish Institute of Music & Song has striven to create a music-centred community in the north Co. Dublin area. Situated in one of Ireland’s most diverse areas, we have built strong links with a range of partners, allowing us to bring music into the heart of the community. Through these partnerships we have been able to deliver on our core values of actively promoting equity, inclusion and diversity in music education.
The IIMS is therefore delighted to launch a new traditional music initiative - entitled ‘Pathway to the Well’ - to present multiple access routes into traditional music for new communities. Funded by the Arts Council and supported by Music Network’s Capital Scheme, the project will be delivered in school and community settings, and link with the IIMS Academy through a scholarship programme. The programme will be delivered by IIMS Music Educator Niall Preston, as well as through partnerships with other leading traditional music organisations.
Speaking at the official launch, Head of Programme Development at the IIMS, Dr Seán McElwain noted the inclusive nature of traditional music and its valuable contribution to the creation of community. ‘Traditional music has long been a community-based music. Allowing people from various backgrounds to come together through music, it is at the heart of much community music-making throughout Ireland. However, it can often lie beyond the experience and reach of many new community members. With this programme we hope to make traditional music more accessible and visible to our expanding and increasingly diverse local community; and contribute to the development of an even more inclusive community for traditional music in the Fingal region.
Fingal Deputy Lord Mayor, John-Kingsley Onwumereh reaffirmed the significance this new programme will have within the community. “It feels like a dream come true, this programme addresses a need for young people in primary schools to learn Traditional Irish Music. It's about integrating culture in a cohesive manner to show we are one community. I am honoured in my capacity as Fingal Deputy Lord Mayor, to represent what we stand for - diversity in Fingal. This is something we need to celebrate, and this new programme provides an opportunity for everyone to learn traditional Irish music and progress onto the big stage. We thank the principals and teachers from Balbriggan ETNS, Scoil Chormaic CNS, and Bracken ETNS for the amazing work they do, and for being part of this dream.”