Logan Tully

Violin tutor

Logan grew up in a musical family and started his musical career at the age of 1 with Music
Kindergarten in Leeson Park School of music. At the age of 5 he commenced in TUDublin
studying violin under Kitty Dalligan. He also studied piano and musicianship in TUDublin and
voice in the Royal Irish Academy of Music. Logan achieved distinctions in Grade 8 violin
(RIAM), Grade 8 musicianship (TUDublin) and Senior Certification theory (RIAM) at the age
of 15.
He joined YOPS (Young Orchestral Pops) when he was 7 and currently plays first chair of
the YOPS senior orchestra. He has toured with the senior orchestra in Italy and Spain and
was the leader of YOPS chamber orchestra. Logan was a member of Dublin Choral
Foundation (DCF) for many years, he held the position of Senior Head Chorister and was
awarded a scholarship in Piccolo Lasso (a DCF choir). Whilst in DCF Logan also studied
Logan is a tutor with Whitefriar Street String Project and YOPS Junior Orchestra. He has
experience teaching violin, musicianship and beginner viola and cello.
Logan loves performing as a soloist and as part of an ensemble and also enjoys arranging
and writing music in his free time.

Email: academy@iims.ie
